/k "lek ( )n/ noun
accumulation, array, assemblage, assortment,
cluster, conglomeration, group, heap, hoard, mass, pile, set, stack, store.
anitolli - rest in peace, 10-30-05
mouse; aka moo
coaltrain-R.I.P 2.15.05
cous cous
one-eyed fritz
Rest in Peace, dear Fritz |
tulip-RIP 11/26/04
little fuzz the rooster
pretty boy
pretty girl # 1 & 2, # 3 not pictured
the birds: bubbles, saffie, stella, blanca, little one, piggy,
buster, cornpop, the sisters, buttercup, ladybird.
the finches: mamie, rhett, chet jr., little mamie, penny lane, and the pink
cheeks. + lots of babies.
violet &
lilybob (because she turned out to be a he)
bearbear-paul's dog
senor aka:
lee-the husband; brother of paul and micah; never quits working; has a vein that pops out of his forhead when he works too
hard; eats lots of *great starts* microwaveable breakfasts. alot. sometimes falls asleep with baby chickens on
his stomach. knows the benefits of clawfoot bathtubs vs. non-clawfoot bathtubs.
paul-lee and micah's brother; quit drinking; plays ALOT of poker;
attends AC/heating school
micah-lee and paul's brother; lives near dallas; has some ritzy
high-paying job; attends graduate school; has cute cats and a dog that pees on my floors when he comes to visit.
selah-celena's twin siser, gregg and mary ann's daughter
bryan-selah's man
celena-selah's twin sister, the other daughter of gregg and mary
jack-celena's man; like paul, attends AC/heating school.
gregg and mary ann-parents of selah and celena; have lived in
the same house for a very long time; have magical collections of...things.
noelle-david's woman; has excellent taste in shoes and purses
david-noelle's man
karen cross-fabulous zen artist
extrordinaire. sells and shows work at moonshine, as well as countless other spaces all over central texas. lives
up the street from me. doesn't look old enough to have children, but, in fact, has grown-up children. is dating
a rock-n-roller from a band called the spiders.
christy-business partner; owner of moonshine; mother of jesse,
hayden, 2 ducks and several cats; peter's woman
peter-christy's man
carlos-leah and leti's brother; mary and hector's son; peter's
leah-karl's woman; max's mom; carlos and leti's sister; mary and
hector's daughter; peter's cousin
karl-leah's man; max's dad
max-leah and karl's son; mary and hector's grandson; peter's nephew;
likes to see girls twirl around when they wear full skirts
dawn-christy and leah's very good friend; melody's sister; jody's
jody-dawn's man
melody-dawn's sister; very good friend of leah and christy
missy-jeff's woman; makes a mean salsa; lives in a magical bungalow
in lockhart; has a dog named wiggy; also has excellent taste in shoes and purses; likes purple
jeff-missy's man; enjoys salsa
leti-ross's woman; carlos and leah's sister; mary and hector's
other daughter; peter's cousin
ross-leti's man; used to be a truck driver
mary and hector-leah, carlos, and leti's parents; peter's aunt
and uncle
jordan-my brother, 6.5 years my junior; lives and works near dallas;
does something with engines or airplanes or something technical that i could never understand. owns more computers,
monitors, and televisions than anyone i know.
shelley-photographer, mother to chickens and cats, has incredibly
cute cottage in austin...even lee remarked on how cute and "homespun" everything was; good friend of stephanie; attends wimberley
market with all of us.
stefanie-potter/ceramicist; mother to a cat named maybelline; also lives in
incredibly cute cottage in austin near shelley. recently fasted for 8 days much to my amazement. good friend of
shelley. attends wimberley market with all of us. drives a cotton candy pink el camino with bull horns screwed
into the hood.
stephanie-aka nance; painter, silversmith; graphic of the bellas.